Yoga for all

Yoga and dynamic movement

A fusion between classic Yoga postures and other somatic movement techniques.

Yoga dynamique
yoga pour seniors
exercise pour personnes agées

Chair yoga

A gentle practice. Starts sitting on a chair, continues with standing postures supported by the chair. Final relaxation is either on a mat or on the chair.

Schedule for Summer 2024

Schedule 9 : 00 - 10 : 15 am 10 : 30 - 11 : 45 am 10 : 45 - 11 : 45 am 13 : 30 - 14 : 30 pm Other
MondayOncology yoga FCSQ virtualChair yoga8:45 -10:00 am Yoga Club de Golf Knowlton for members
TuesdaySoft yogaPrivate classConsultations on Kinesiology
WednesdayDynamic vinyasaChair yogaOncology yoga FCSQ virtual17:00 - 18:15 pm Yoga Brome Lake Sailing Club for members
ThursdayConsultations on kinesiologyConsultations on kinesiologyConsultations on kinesiologyConsultations on kinesiology
SaturdayJuly 27 9:00 to 11:00 am Workshop Anatomy of the energy centers. Theory, Movement, guided meditation. TO BE CONFIRMED


One class


Five classes


Ten classes


These prices are valid until December 2023.