Yoga for all

Yoga and dynamic movement

A fusion between classic Yoga postures and other somatic movement techniques.

Yoga dynamique
yoga pour seniors
exercise pour personnes agées

Chair yoga

A gentle practice. Starts sitting on a chair, continues with standing postures supported by the chair. Final relaxation is either on a mat or on the chair.

Schedule January - April, 2025

Schedule 9 : 00 - 10 : 15 am 10 : 30 - 11 : 45 am 10 : 45 - 11 : 45 am 13 : 30 - 14 : 30 pm Other
MondayFCSQ oncology yoga onlineOncology yoga FCSQ onlineChair yoga
TuesdaySoft yogaPrivate classConsultations on Kinesiology
WednesdayDynamic vinyasaChair yogaOncology yoga FCSQ online
ThursdayNew! 10-11:15 am Oncology yoga in person STUDIO ROSE Québec Breast Cancer Foundation. MontréalConsultations on kinesiologyConsultations on kinesiologyConsultations on kinesiology
FridayOncology yoga sponsored by BMP Foundation


One class


Five classes


Ten classes


These prices are valid until December 2023.